Despite the pandemic sending most industries into recession, debt-ridden wedding planner Dominic (Dayo WONG) gets a miraculous chance to turn things around when a funeral planner retires and passes the baton to him. His creative gimmicks for funerals help his business find unexpected success, but Dominic’s biggest obstacle is winning the approval of respected and sternly traditional Taoist priest, Master Man (Michael HUI). After some unordinary funerals, Dominic gradually understands Master Man’s code of ethics and the meaning behind each farewell.
離經叛道的做法難免碰壁處處,但道生做到親力親為,由開墳掘棺,至服侍先人,再厭惡性的事務,道生都堅忍完成,文哥也總會及時出手相助。道生得到客人由衷感激,他領悟到葬禮並不只是超度死人,而更重要的是渡生人,是生者與死者的告別。The Last Dance showing at: November 28, 8:15 pm